Our Investment Philosophy…

Ghosal Ventures is a journey to locate, identify, nurture young business ideas with the potential to create the brave new world of tomorrow. As the infinite power of curiosity reinvents life and transforms the planet constantly, increasingly with specialized AI / ML applications, it creates opportunities to groom powerful players. We believe we can help contribute in the nurturing of these gems.

What we look for?

Team : Whether you are a couple of founders or a complete team, what we are looking for is a very high level of motivation and persistence.We value your failure as much as your successes. We love failure! .. and would love to hear that story.

Why did you become an entrepreneur?  What makes you qualified to drive this opportunity? What skills do you bring to this problem?  The focus is mostly on you, your goals and your technical team. People, who are key to your innovation, matter to us.

Idea : Is the second most important criteria and it includes the combination of the problem and the solution you are proposing to address the problem.

  • Do you have a unique technological proposition?
  • How closely have you worked with your customers during the idea generation and refinement phase?
  • Has the idea been tested in the market?
  • Why can’t a competitor replicate your plan tomorrow?
  • What challenges have you found along the way and how have you dealt with them? Have you had to pivot your product idea? Does your product improve the bottom-line (savings) or increase the top line (growth)?
  • How significant a step forward is represented by the technology or innovation? What impact will it have on the competition? Why have other players in the field missed out on the technology?

Market : Is the market ready for disruption?

Do you have a good understanding of the competitive landscape?

Are you comparing your company against technology competition in areas that matter to the end customer?

Are you comparing your future product to your competitor’s current product or to their future product?

Is your innovation addressing a need in a large enough market (over a billion dollars)?

Some combination of the above would make an ideal opportunity for us. We are not a ‘seed’ venture where we fund an idea. For us to get involved you must have proof-of-concept and at least some early customers that demonstrate a product market fit of your product/idea.

How we can help?

Contrary to popular belief money does not solve all problems for startups that want to move up in the value chain. I learnt the hard way myself that pre-mature scaling and spending can spell doom for many a startup. That is where seasoned mentorship comes in plan.We are a sounding board for the early management team from folks that have been there and gone through it themselves.